Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Well that was finished just about as quick as it started. That’s what she said. In a sneaky move, VH1 is airing the final three episodes of Sorority Sisters to what TV producers call the “Friday night death slot”, not to be confused with what some of your more popular twitter followers are offering in your DMs. It’s where they move all the great shows such as “World’s Funniest Fails” and “Crazy Kooky Animals”. Its heart wrenching to see our upstanding Black queens on TV trying to win ratings against some videos an intern found on YouTube. And during founders' month of all times, obviously VH1 didn’t do their homework, as the Greeks say.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sorority Sisters Episode 2 Review

It’s back again this week, The Black Community. Despite all the Twitter protesting and promises not to buy any more Motions Pink Hair Lotion as a boycott to advertising, Sorority Sisters is still on the air. Based on the mass hate watching that occurred last week, it’s now competing for ratings with Love and Hip Hop. Great job Outrage Twitter!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sorority Sisters Episode 1 Review

Last night The Black Community came together as one unified group, putting aside our petty differences to sit and watch the controversial new show Sorority Sisters on our beloved VH1. This came right on the heels of that cluster in DC where new-wave Twitter Activists and old-school Al Sharpton couldn’t agree on who deserved to be the face of Black outrage. It’s great to see that we can finally compromise on important issues like VH1 shows. #Priorities

Monday, February 24, 2014


This is the weekend that everyone was waiting for. The time where everybody comes back to Gainesville to have liq pumping through their veins for a constant 72 hours before Gainesville returns to its old boring self again. This was probably our last trip to FISS, but Gainesville put on a great weekend that was probably one of the best FISS shows  in recent memory. And for some of us, we done seen like 7 or 8 FISS shows, because you know, the way my grades are set up...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Where Did We Go Wrong?

Black UF Twitter was on and poppin' yesterday,  for probably the first and last time this semester. A guy on Twitter had his mentions blow up after he dropped a comment that might have been insulting to some NPHC organizations. And you know them ninjas can be sensitive. UF Black Twitter was a movie, and we had the popcorn ready.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Khia on Kampus

Somebody get they Auntie. Pictures recently hit the Internet of once relevant female rap artist Khia, draping our precious Orange & Blue over a bulldog covered in ugly tattoos. WHAT IN THE ENTIRE FUCK. Apparently, the pictures are a bid for Grandma "Thugmissess" to run for homecoming queen. No, really. Somebody from FAMU must have set us up. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Weekend That Was

We must have gotten lost somewhere in The Black Community, because apparently the first week of April is when shit is on and poppin'. Everything in the world was happening, and the hypeness of last weekend looked like something out of FISS weekend (which alas isn't hype anymore). Everyday damn day some event was happening, and we damn near died trying to attend it all, let alone write a post about it. Check out the reviews of last weekend's big events.