Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Well that was finished just about as quick as it started. That’s what she said. In a sneaky move, VH1 is airing the final three episodes of Sorority Sisters to what TV producers call the “Friday night death slot”, not to be confused with what some of your more popular twitter followers are offering in your DMs. It’s where they move all the great shows such as “World’s Funniest Fails” and “Crazy Kooky Animals”. Its heart wrenching to see our upstanding Black queens on TV trying to win ratings against some videos an intern found on YouTube. And during founders' month of all times, obviously VH1 didn’t do their homework, as the Greeks say.

The show was only on for a month and it was already headed towards oblivion. In that short time one could’ve became members of certain organizations themselves. First Black Twitter started attacking the advertisers proclaiming they were going to #BoycottMotionsPinkLotion, which was some ol’ bullshit, because the following week everybody was on Snapchat talking about how their curls were on fleek. Then in an act of desperation VH1 held a mid-season forum where all the cast members talked about how they were on the show not as representatives of their sororities but rather to further their careers in running a plus-sized shoe business.

The next week they didn’t even show any episodes.

Then two of the girls got their letters stripped from them, effectively barring them from ever being able to compete in step show ever again, if they were thinking about coming out of retirement. VH1 was scrambling to get some good promotion and it’s a shame because the forum was probably the best thing to come out of this whole fake outrage. Between describing how they got death threats from members of their own organization (sisterhood!), each of the women talked about how their greekdom gave them the opportunity for exposure while still keeping true to themselves as individuals. It was way more thought-provoking than those tired ass relationship forums. They even went on to talk about how it was unfair that they were getting such scrutiny as sorority women even though they were doing the same things as the hoodrats who were on TV just an hour before. At one point we thought that White Delta, the “Crimson Chin” was gonna shout “But the whole NPHC matters!”

Now that the show is about to go the way of The Game once BET got a hold of it, VH1 will probably recycle these ladies into their other Ratchet TV series that haven’t yet felt the fake outrage of Black Twitter. I wouldn’t be surprised if VH1 just folds this cast right into Love & Hip Hop where they can be their terrible little selves minus their greekdom. They all live right up the street from each other. Adrene, the beautiful East African Queen, was just completing her transformation into Maleficent. Think of her scrapping with Joseline. Mama Dee and that Celie looking AKA can reminisce to back when hot combs were first invented.

They killed the show just as it was getting good. They finally started showing more of that light-skinned SGRho, which is the only reason most of us guys were here anyways. At least we get to see less of that White Delta the “Crimson Chin” reminding everyone that she was white every scene. We didn’t even get to see that Zeta eat any chicken. And here we thought this show was gonna get real.

Shea Butter Twitter and Greek Twitter should be patting themselves on the back. We shouldn’t have to tolerate a series that shows that Greeks are people just like everyone else, in an age where they scramble to stay on campuses. Now we can finally return to normally viewing the Greeks as the upstanding mythical creatures they are. For the rest of the people who appreciate the advancements BGLO’s have created for The Black Community at large but don’t want to play along with all the theatrics, they can go create a BSU Step team or something. Who knows, they might even use Sorority Sisters as a show theme and pull an upset at FISS. It couldn’t be any worse than a show theme based on slavery LOL

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