Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Celeb Concert Series: Kendrick Lamar

Monday marked the last big event of BHM. Kendrick Lamar and Melanie Fiona were in concert at the O'Dome, making the stadium packed after being completely empty the week prior at FISS. The BHM Concert is the last major event during the month, and BSU made sure to make it epic.

Opening up the show was R&B Singer Melanie Fiona. You may have heard of her, apparently she's famous on Pandora. BHM probably paid her for about an hour or so, or just enough time for everybody to get to the O'Dome, because they knew the majority of their audience was going to come on CPT.

She came out and sung some songs that we really didn't know, because we don't get shones like that, so there is really no reason to listen to slow jamz. It's not like we are ever going to play them in our room or anything. It seemed like the rest of the crowd had the same affliction.

The way it works with these semi-famous musicians is that they have to keep the crowd's attention until they finally sing their most recognized song, which is always at the end. They couldn't just sing it first, because then everybody would get hype and then leave once the song is over.

For Melanie Fiona, this song is "4am". So the crowd proceeded to nod their heads to her songs, because nobody really knew any, and the real diehard fans of Miss Fiona, all both of them, sung along to the words, and tweeted about how this is "real music". Whatever.

Then came the intermission. The DJ put on some jams to kill the time, and give Kendrick Lamar  some more time to actually arrive in Gainesville. Rumor has it that Kendrick had got caught in a speed trap in Lawtey, wherever that is, where apparently they don't like Black Rappers, or Black People. This was about 2 hours into the concert, and at that point, it wasn't really clear if Kendrick was coming or not.

We were then treated to the viewings of the awesome combination of a White Girl and Molly. No Pun Intended to our drug dealers. Apparently, Claire had popped a Molly earlier, had started sweating, and proceeded to twerk in the stands. Woo! This girl was putting all the local hoodrats to shame, twerking to every song imaginable, and actually doing a damn good job. We've never seen a White Girl that coordinated. Drugs are bad. You might end up seeing it on WorldStar. ELITE better get Claire to host the next party at ELEMENT, or whatever they're calling it that week. We'd pay money and stand in line 2 hours for that.

It was about 10pm, and BSU must have forgotten that this was a school night, or at least figured ninjas don't study, and Kendrick Lamar still hadn't came out. We figured the concert was sponsored by ELITE because we had been waiting 3 hours to see Kendrick and he was still nowhere to be seen. He was probably backstage looking for the pair of shoes that had the biggest heel, so that he could hit an even 4 feet in height.

Finally, Kendrick Lamar came out, looking like an extra from The Hobbit and sounding like a survivor from one of those Anti-Smoking commercials. Surprisingly, he didn't have to hold up the mic to a hole in his neck to start rapping.

Kendrick Lamar just recently got famous, after his newly released album was declared the best album OF ALL TIME. Therefore, most of us in The Black Community only knew about 3 of his songs. The White People however, which somehow were the majority of the crowd, knew all his shit and were singing along word for word. They must have been listening to him in secret. We didn't know we had so many White People at UF, let alone that listen to rap music. It was probably the first and last time we will ever see the O'Dome that diverse.

Kendrick came out and performed his jams, and most of The Black Community just stood there and nodded their heads, waiting for "Swimming Pools" to come on or Kendrick to Yell "BITCH DON'T KILL MY VIBE". But Kendrick was just performing songs from his mixtapes, which nobody happened to download, except the White People of course. There was one song in which every other line ended with "My Nigga",  and these White Folks was saying it like it was nothing! It's acceptable though, because it's a in a song.

BSU better do something about that. All these White People screaming Nigga at the top of their lungs, during Black History Month at that. Something has to be done. Host a forum! Finally, Kendrick dropped a verse from "Fucking Problems"...GHURL I KNOW YOU WANT DHIS DHUICK! And we got hype for about 3 seconds. Then some more unknown songs played, and we continued nodding our head. At that point we were about 2 for 7 on the content that we recognized. Not good odds.

Kendrick eventually played his well known jams, Money Trees, Swimming Pools, and Poetic Justice, and everybody went crazy. After that, there really wasn't much point in staying any longer, unless we wanted to keep hearing White People say "Nigga", so we bounced.

BSU did a good job of securing some rather famous artists while still not breaking the bank, seeing as how the Florida Blue Key Illuminati stopped giving them loads of money a while ago. They have been giving us Black People on the voting ticket, so apparently that is a fair trade. BSU and BHM did a great job with this event and allowed BHM to go out with a bang.

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