Friday, November 4, 2011

The "Underworld"

Well, here we are again The Black Community. We told you that the concept of Undercover Brothers was a hotly debated topic. Since our post on Wednesday, this topic has generated more discussion from our community than the evils of Student Government, the FBK Illuminati, Celebrity Greeks, the failures of FAMU, and typical Relationship Forums combined. The arguments were even intelligent and well written. UF must be forcing English classes into the curriculum. The comments section was more live than The Set. Legions of anons were down there letting us know how they feel. Pause.

In our post Wednesday, we tackled the validity of “Undercover Brothers” and took the high road, postulating that The Gay Community would have no reason to be on the D.L. because it would be detrimental to their cause. With the minority amount of Gay individuals on campus, we proposed that they would be out in the open in order to signify themselves and create a community of like minded-people. With the changing values of America, and the success of Lady Gaga, there is no reason to hide one’s sexuality anymore. Even the most homophobic people have accepted the fact that Gays are real, and don’t have a problem with them existing, as long as they don’t try anything on them of course. Nobody in The Black Community is going to crucify someone for being Gay, we all are too busy trying to determine if Beyonce is pregnant or not. Within minutes of publishing that last post, a bevy of comments flew our way, debating our remarks, and telling us that D.L. men do exist, and that they are everywhere.

And then we got scared.

The whole notion of “Undercover Brothers” living and breathing along with us in secret is frightening. It’s like Communism in The Black Community. It’s the Rainbow Scare. They could be anyone, anywhere, and doing anything. Check your friends, check your homeboys, hell, even check yourself. One could be gay and not even know it. The whole argument from this perspective is that if one came out as gay, they would be Blacklisted. They could be out there on The Set, stepping with their respective organization, while loads of dumb girls fantasize about becoming a one-night stand. They could be out in the Swamp, attributing to the Football Team’s atrocious win record, because they're too focused on the after-game shower. *Shudders*. They might even be in FBK, thus ultimately personifying the values of secrecy and shadiness. They could even be on the E-board of your favorite Student Organization, getting those co-sponsorships the old fashioned way. Similar to how girls get that Easy A from their professor. No Pun intended.

We don’t know if the commenters were actually Gay Men trying to rally their bedfellows (no pun intended) to come out into the light, or salty individuals trying to paint others as gay, again ala Communism and The Rainbow Scare, to ruin reputations, but maybe there is a bit of truth to this. On one hand, a compelling thesis argument that we received asserts that The Black Community isn’t ready to accept the fact that Gay Black Men exist. The Black Community, and we’re paraphrasing LOOSELY here, haven’t watched enough Tyler Perry movies to understand that not all men are Denzel Washington, the epitome of a perfect Black Man, and could just be like those guys from B2K. That one really rattled The Black Community. Millions of Black Women were salty when they realized they had no chance of getting Razz-B. Thus Gays are only accepted in specialized “Gay Roles”. We're talking models striding in bowties and leopard print briefs, and on dance teams doing cartwheels. Even though many straight men would snitch on their Mom for chance to touch those modeling girls during lingerie scenes. Those modeling girls have to be sexually frustrated. And one can't target Gay men specifically by recognizing their wardrobe from Forever 21, because straight men are wearing it too. Oh. We don’t remember how many “Straight” guys said they would have their "homies" do a drive by on us to protect their decision to shop at Forever 21 (LOL). Color us ignorant, but we can’t see guys rolling by with Glocks wearing pink v-necks and jean capris. Sorry. 

We thought The Gay Community had nothing to hide. They do. There’s a whole “Underworld” out there that we didn’t know about. We don’t know what goes on down there, but they appear to be rather organized. They probably even have a website. There might be some public listing of all The Gay Community members out there. They should just come out now and save the salty women the struggle and heartache, that way we can have less bitter relationship forums. They are seriously tricking people out here. A majority of the guys that responded agreed with us, saying that D.L. men didn’t exist, and that they were a fairytale. No pun intended. It's probably because they don't associate with Gays like that. It's the benefits of being straight. In contrast, many women responding pointed out all the D.L. people on campus. They need to stop holding out and release that information to the public How can females spot all the D.L. ninjas on campus, but can’t decipher when they’re dating one? Ugh. Woman Logic.

So what are the D.L. men plotting? Are they setting up a secret takeover to destroy the straight male's way of life? They’ve already tricked women into thinking that watching “Say Yes to The Dress” makes a guy boyfriend material. The situation is like a bad zombie movie. They could already be at work, infecting the community as we speak. No pun intended. Next year, every guy is going to walking around campus with jean jackets and Aldo shoes. Men will be putting down Hennessey in favor of bottles of Moscato. Maybe that’s already happened. Ninjas will stop throwing up gang signs during Rick Ross songs, and scream “Aaaayyyeee!” when Trina Red Bottoms comes on. Goons will stop coming into the club with handguns, and instead come with feather dusters.

If the D.L. epidemic is as real as everyone is making it out to be, then all the D.L. ninjas should have an epic Flashmob and come out on The Set. That would make for more entertaining Set Friday than we had ever seen before. It could be the first Gay Probate. Ninjas would take of their “Straight Mask” and say a speech about hard it was to be Gay while pretending to be straight. Girls in the crowd would exclaim, “See, I knew he was gay, that’s why he’s been ghost on girls this semester!”. That might be a bit much, but there is no point in hiding. The first step towards progression is acceptance. Tyler Perry did it. Drake is next. The ninjas on The Set wearing eyeliner have been doing it for years. There’s nothing to be scared of.


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    this gets better each day. the dl's are there trust me when i say and they are some of the most beloved people on campus... the thought that people at UF especially would crucify them is true. Niggas at UF get blacklisted everyday-- whether people will come out and say it or not. I'm sure this thought of the undercover bother is having some of you Greeks out there reexamine your line brothers. You guys can't be mad if the DL man just has what "everybody" wants- do you just want him to turn himself off?! thats not possible we are we are for great reason & most of us have been every successful and black alumni weekend will show that that in the coming years.

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    some people are lucky that most DL's aren't messy or names would of been dropped on here already.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Unfortunately...there are so many points in hiding it still especially in the black community. I don't know a single black woman who would date a guy if she knew he was bisexual. White women on the other hand are very okay with it. Why? Because of how we have presented gay in our community. Society has created a world where gay is not okay. Even in your writing, you say Denzel is the epitome of a perfect black man..."being straight" is one of the characteristics then. Painting gay in a negative light. Though I agree that it is becoming more and more accepted each day, it is still a huge fear for many. Especially their families and friends closes to them. I've been out since 2007 but only to my friends and even their families. My family does not know.....and it's not so easy to tell them. It's been almost 5 years and I'm still hiding it from my family....yes I am that scared. I used to get angry at DL guys and wanted them to be open with themselves.....but I realized it isn't their fault. We have to blame society.....not the individual. We shouldn't even need this term......How was the term "DL" invented? Oh, Cause people were freaking scared of the issues that come along with being gay.....Hitler burned gays too......Gay bashing people were lynched as well.....Gay is something that can still affect you....just as being black can. Now try being gay and black....yea it aint easy.

  4. Anonymous6:42 PM

    ^^^ agrees.... although i wouldnt come out at uf bc these niggas would look at you like you just robbed Wells Fargo in the Reitz.

  5. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Man I bet yall won't name em tho! Lol

    I don't have a problem with the gays I have a problem with them sleeping with their women then they turn right back around and take it in the ass!

    I don't understand...

    Signed Mad Black Woman LMAO

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Name them....

  7. Anonymous10:23 PM

    don't name anybody! that's not what this blog is for.
