Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back At It: #FirstDaySightings

UF Back. UF Back. Welcome to another school year, The Black Community. We come back from a wholly entertaining and eventful summer, to a rather tame first day of the Fall Semester. Could this be a sign of things to come? Regardless, the first day of class is a great day to watch and predict the outcome of the semester, as well as get a feel for the people we'll be crammed into STATUS with. Let's take a look at what happened on the first day back.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

TSID's Ultimate Back to School Guide

We’re two days away from the start of the Fall Semester, The Black Community, and now is that time to get back in the school mode. Everyone is out making their final preparations for REAL school to start again (Summer doesn't count), by consuming copious amounts of alcohol, making terrible decisions, and spending late nights with ISIS, constantly spamming the refresh button until "History of Jazz" opens up. That class is crucial. Kinda. As the semester approaches, we return from sitting on the couch all day during Summer Break to impart some imperative tips to ensure adequate preparation for the upcoming school year. We present "The Set Is Dead's Ultimate Back to School Guide". In four paragraphs, mind you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gainesville Sickness?

Summer B is over, The Black Community, and we have 2 weeks to ourselves until the Fall semester comes and we actually have to start learning again. All over Facebook and Twitter there are status updates about “I’m so ready to leave stupid Gainesville”, followed by “I’m bored”, all within 24 hours (LOL). It seems as soon as you get home and realize your hometown is deserted, we're all yearning to be back in Gainesville again. We’ve said it before; Gainesville has a gravitational pull. Hell some of us can’t even make it out of Gainesville in the first place.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Moving Days

It’s move-out week, The Black Community. That time of the semester where you clear out your apartment that you’ve been living in for 4 (Maybe 5 or 6) years, and put all your cherished memories into cardboard boxes. Damn. It’s time to kick out that creepy person who subleased your room and did all sort of unspeakable stuff in your apartment while you were away. All of The Black Community is packing their bags, ready to move in to Campus Lodge next semester (LOL). If you haven’t yet picked your living situation for the fall (you’re slacking), we’ve complied a list of potential options and what to expect from each one.