Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Black History Month: FAMU Comes to UF

Via (Source & Source)

Ahhh…Shit., The Black Community. UF done went and pulled a FAMU. Black History Month continues to be a terrible month for Black People, nevermind the irony in that statement.  First the Soul Train creator dies, then two of the arguably best Black Porn stars, one if you’re not into midgets, went and caught the AIDS, and The Game continues to be an epic disappointment. The Black Community just can’t win out here. Instead of having an uplifting event each day of February like BSU wants us to, every day brings us a new tragedy. Obama may even resign at the end of the month. The Black Community would be shattered.

Reports came in yesterday about a fraternity hazing incident that happened over the weekend here at our own campus. In our own The Black Community, no doubt. The PC/IFC crowd breathed a sigh of relief as they went back to doing whatever questionable things they do in their house basements. The Gospel Choir immediately disbanded plans to copy FAMU’s intake structure. Apparently, it was a case of serious physical beating, ala World Star Hip Hop. Hazing itself is a terrible act, but this better not fuck with FISS!

Articles appeared everywhere across the state. The first reports came from way down in Miami for some reason. Then it spread to Tampa and Orlando, before ironically making it to Gainesville last. It instantly became a serious issue. Even Bernie “Chamillionare” Machen took time from his busy schedule of counting dollar bills to write The Black Community a half-assed letter describing absolutely nothing. Of course, for the real news we had to consult the ever reliable Black People Twitter. A few people were reporting the story, most others stayed silent out of respect, but most likely due to fear. You know the Greeks will find you in the night and beat the shit out of you. Oh wait. Our ethnic friends at FAMU took the unfortunate incident as a moment to stroke their own egos as they tried to measure up to UF. FAMU tweeters were all over Twitter exclaiming about how much better they are at hazing. No, FAMU, the object of hazing is to have the hazee LIVE through the experience. We’re still better than you.

The incident was reported over the weekend, meaning that the line was already pledging and having dreams about tricking dumb girls into having sex with them. The second most accurate publication in the world next to Wikipedia; The Florida Alligator, reported that the hazing started way back on January 9th. That's some commitment. Those guys were probably almost done and ready to accrue boatloads of groupies before someone realized: "Hey, this shit hurts!". Way to ruin it for the team. 

Now the campus is about to get really boring. That line won’t be coming out any time soon, and all the Black Girls are about to disappear for some unknown reason. This is going to kill Gainesville nightlife. STATUS is on its way to becoming the safest place in Gainesville. With the friendliest staff, mind you.

Things must have really changed since the years of “School Daze”. We are going to go ahead and assume that everything in that movie was true. Back in the “Daze”, so to speak, Ninjas would eat dog food and do questionable stuff in bathrooms in addition to getting the hell beat out of them. Ninjas ain't taking that no more. Ninjas got ambitions and self-respect and shit. It must be the effect of having a Black President.  With acts that LaTrace “Sensitive Ninja” Brown can look up to, like Drake and J.Cole, ninjas now shun the longest held convention in The Black Community, and embrace the art of snitching with great fanfare. Just look at T.I. 


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

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    1. Wow, and people say we're harsh.

  2. Anonymous6:34 PM

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  3. Anonymous6:42 PM

    It's real funny how no one was available to comment to the newspaper reporter! I'm sorry but there is not that much of loyalty in the world where I'm going to be willingly beaten and demoralized to join an organization. That ish cray!

  4. Anonymous10:29 PM

    bet those boys try to actually graduate now and stop sticking around. shame what it takes to get people to leave.

  5. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I would like to offer my opinion on the recent hazing allegations concerning Alpha Phi Alpha at the University of Florida. I am a recent graduate of UF and personally know both members of the fraternity, as well as, the potential new initiates. The only new initiate that I am aware of is the one who has made the reported allegations. Cody Sheppard, a freshman from Orlando, is the victim Bernie Machen is referring to when he states that there was a "serious physical hazing incident".

    For those of you who know Cody Sheppard, did he or any other student that could have been involved with the new member process seem "seriously" physically injured? From what I recall, Mr. Sheppard participated in a Fashion Show within 48 hours of being "seriously" injured. He also works for a local promotions company, and was found partying in local nightclubs the weekend the incident was reported, as well as, every weekend thereafter. But, I digress.

    Dave Kratzer, Florida's vice president for student affairs, said, "This was not a case that we know of that anyone went to the hospital -- thank goodness." Furthermore, he states "It's not in the realm of seriousness on the far end of things, when you think about what could have occurred with hazing..."

    I find it very unfair that the chapter, university, and fraternity have to experience the scrutiny of the media, while the alleged victims continue to live their lives without any interruptions. Let me make it clear, I am very empathic towards any victim of any crime, but do not feel that they should be exempt or not held responsible for the environment they have created.

    One would think that a "serious physical hazing incident" would cause permanent dis-figuration, or require long-lasting treatments. For Cody Sheppard, neither of these is true. Cody Sheppard or any of the other new initiates could have removed themselves from the new member process at any point in time if they felt they were being "hazed"- Students do this all the time. In addition, neither student proactively sought medical attention or filed a complaint with university or police department.

    Taking all things into consideration, one can only question if there are ulterior motives. Who really reported the incident if it was not one of the potential new members, and is this in fact a serious physical hazing incident?

  6. Allen Shorter9:42 PM

    I'll post it again, and I have no reason to hide.

    I would like to offer my opinion on the recent hazing allegations concerning Alpha Phi Alpha at the University of Florida. I am a recent graduate of UF and personally know both members of the fraternity, as well as, the potential new initiates. The only new initiate that I am aware of is the one who has made the reported allegations. Cody Sheppard, a freshman from Orlando, is the victim Bernie Machen is referring to when he states that there was a "serious physical hazing incident".

    For those of you who know Cody Sheppard, did he or any other student that could have been involved with the new member process seem "seriously" physically injured? From what I recall, Mr. Sheppard participated in a Fashion Show within 48 hours of being "seriously" injured. He also works for a local promotions company, and was found partying in local nightclubs the weekend the incident was reported, as well as, every weekend thereafter. But, I digress.

    Dave Kratzer, Florida's vice president for student affairs, said, "This was not a case that we know of that anyone went to the hospital -- thank goodness." Furthermore, he states "It's not in the realm of seriousness on the far end of things, when you think about what could have occurred with hazing..."

    I find it very unfair that the chapter, university, and fraternity have to experience the scrutiny of the media, while the alleged victims continue to live their lives without any interruptions. Let me make it clear, I am very empathic towards any victim of any crime, but do not feel that they should be exempt or not held responsible for the environment they have created.

    One would think that a "serious physical hazing incident" would cause permanent dis-figuration, or require long-lasting treatments. For Cody Sheppard, neither of these is true. Cody Sheppard or any of the other new initiates could have removed themselves from the new member process at any point in time if they felt they were being "hazed"- Students do this all the time. In addition, neither student proactively sought medical attention or filed a complaint with university or police department.

    Taking all things into consideration, one can only question if there are ulterior motives. Who really reported the incident if it was not one of the potential new members, and is this in fact a serious physical hazing incident?

  7. Anonymous11:18 PM

    First of all Allen who are you?

  8. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Another thing, Allen if you aren't an initiate or a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. then this should not affect you in any way. Of course you can offer your opinion, however what you're saying is not going to change anything that has or is going to happen. In addition, you do have freedom of speech, however you do not need to speak on something that you do not know. I think for you to try and call someone out is very ignorant on your part and very childish because it had nothing to do with you. Just because you know the initiates or members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., that means absolutely nothing. You are neither creator nor judge.

  9. Anonymous10:02 AM

    SPEAK ALLEN!!! Hush Anon

  10. Anonymous2:03 AM

    The snitch will get what's coming to him. Wishing Theta Sigma the very best in all of this.

  11. Anonymous9:21 PM

    So, y'all are just going to blast people like that's going to make a difference in the situation?! Oh. Because stating all that information did what - for WHO?! Again, Oh! Y'all are petty! Smh

  12. Anonymous8:52 PM

    This is too cray! I'm with Allen that boy Cody is an idiot. If you weren't about getting that ass beat you should have just left from the initial blow rather than sticking around and ruining lives. Cody sucks.

  13. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I'm surprised this ninja Cody ain't get his ass whooped yet..
